Know India

Hi Everyone, Here is an opportunity for all of us to share what we know about our country with everyone else. Republic Day is coming and the mood has started building. This time we want to add a special section to our site This section named "Know India" will be dedicated to facts, specifically the lesser known ones, about our nation. Please join in. This is an opportunity for all of us to know our soil, better. All you need to do is to search for facts and prefigures that may be of interest to the youth and mail them to me.( Please keep the following in mind:
1. Picking up facts from outer sources on the web is fine but the source must be mentioned. 2. It will be good if you can provide the links to authenticate the information submitted. 3. Following are suggested bullets under which you may want to explore: * Culture * Society * Freedom Movement * Ancient India * History * Traditions * Armed Forces * Sports * Music * Science and Technology * Literature * People * Events and Historic Moments * Major Social campaigns * Unsung Heros * Common Man * Technology * Industry * Health * Villages * Tourist destinations * Any other thing that interests you..
Let us get together and contribute. This is one way we can celebrate our Republic Day. On the Republic Day we will share this info with as many Indians as possible.Each one of us must contribute at least 10 facts. Looking forward to the best of your participation. Vande Mataram Best Regards and Thanks Rajat Visit Call 9880132850 To view sample gallery click here Visit the Marvel Here