Safe, voluntary blood donors are the first and most important line of defence in preventing the transmission of HIV and other infections through transfusion. Voluntary blood donors, particularly from low-risk populations, who give blood regularly have been identified as safe donors because they are motivated solely by altruism and have no reason to conceal lifestyle or medical conditions which may preclude them from donating blood. They are the cornerstone of an integrated strategy for blood safety.
Safe blood does not only depend on application of science and technology but also on you. It is impossible to screen blood for all the possible diseases and infections. Therefore a donor registration form has been provided to you. Please fill this form very carefully. If you have any reason to suspect that you may not be an eligible blood donor, please feel absolutely free to clarify the same with the staff. It is us who can ensure a regular and safe supply of blood.
Voluntary Blood Donation is the ultimate humanitarian act, an altruistic gift, and it should never become a marketable commodity