Choice of right time to conduct the blood donation camp is very important to ensure best donor turnout and more importantly to ensure that the blood you donate is utilized properly.
Best Donor Response
The donor turnout is directly related to the comfort levels of the donor and the amount of mental pressure he/she is undergoing.
For schools and colleges, it is never a good idea to conduct a camp right before exams. For IT companies, the year closing is the busiest and the most hectic time. Choose a date when people will be relaxed and comfortable.
Traditionally we have seen that most organizations conduct the blood donation camp only once a year on a particular occasion. This practice should not be blindly followed. The reason is that the occasion that we are waiting for may not overlap with the donor convenience and consequently low donor turnout occurs.
Secondly, since we are ready to donate blood again within 90 days of donation, so we must conduct at least 2 blood donation camps each year.
Best Utilization
The pattern of blood donation camps in Bangalore shows a pattern. More or less the various organizations in the city conduct camps at the same times. There are moths like October-December when the blood banks are overstocked with blood. And at the other time of the year from January to June, widespread shortage exists. A little planning into this aspect will ensure that the camp you conduct is of maximum use to the patients.
How do I know when is the right time?
CTC-Disha is a Voluntary service that networks 6 most prominent blood banks in the city. Through its toll free helpline - 1062 it provides information on where the patient can find blood. Daily the stocks of blood are updated and maintained. When there is a citywide shortage of blood, this place is the first one to identify it. A simple procedure to find out when is the right time to conduct a blood donation camp is to mail to the helpline at or call 9880132850.