A Special Republic Day @ Sankalp




Library @ the Day CareIn India, Republic Day commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India on 26 January 1950. The 26th of January was chosen to honour the declaration of independence of 1930.

Sankalp India Foundation remembers and cherishes the importance of this day every year. Usually volunteers spend time educating little children about the importance of this day and the need to show respect and love to national sentiments and objects, particularly the national flag. However, this year it was a celebration of a different sort

Republic Day celebration @ Day CareOn 26th January 2012, as India celebrated its 62nd Republic day, Sankalp volunteers joined the celebrations at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health (IGICH). There was flag hoisting ceremony at the hospital followed by the National Anthem. Biscuits and juices were given to around 200 children admitted in various wards of IGICH. Biscuits were also donated by volunteers of We are India. Children were happy and excited when volunteers wished them happy Republic Day and a wide smile was seen on their faces when the juice and goodies were offered to them.


This Republic day was made special for the children at IGICH as a new library was opened for them  at the Thalassemia Day Care Centre, IGICH. The library was inaugurated by the medical superintendent Dr. Govendaraju.

The library has books for children (between 5 – 12 years of age) in English, kannada and hindi. All these books were donated by Sankalp friends and volunteers. Though there were not many books collected, the colorful comics like tinkle, champaka, fairy tales and bed times stories were enough to bring a smile on the kids faces. A thalassemia kid, Chetan, had already picked up his favorite book from the lot and asked one of the Sankalp volunteers to read it aloud for him.

“Overall it was a wonderful experience and worthwhile Republic day 2012” exclaimed a Sankalp volunteer.