Now that the first year students of M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology have been exposed to Sankalp, please share your experiences with us. You can talk about the introduction function which was held on 12th October or the Sunday meeting which different people might have perceived differently.
I am a first year student & I think.....
Its Good & It Works...
Yes It Works.. Atleast It Is Better Than Sitting On Your Sofa Infront Of The TV & Cursing The Government & Related Authorities...
I Have Started Looking at things differently & I know my 1st yr friends (new to this world of sankalp) feel the same way... Work has begun & we have satrted to DO things, instead of saying about what is to be done...
its the begining of new era
frnds we will make a difference & we gonna make this a better place to live
sankapl is a good platform
it give us a opportunity to express ourselves
live as you like do whatever your heart says with no boundations and away 4m the feeling of what others will say .
you can fly like a bird here .
i like it
New wind beneath the wings...
I have been in Sankalp for a couple of weeks now...And the one thing that you would notice immediately is that you "Start from scratch" Literally...
It has been said time and again...that it wouldn't be a "bed of roses"...
I didn't expect it to be...It is easy to get inspired by avery well editted and rehearsed speech...But the actions of the listener...(Or for that matter the speaker himself) speaks volumes about their true feelings.
I truly believe "Actions speak louder than Words"...And Sankalp stands tall to prove it...
the real platform is here...Sankalp
I've been a part of Sankalp
I've been a part of Sankalp for past 3 months. Gradually, I've seen the wide variety of activities taken up here. And it gives me enough oppurtunities to perform, to do what I want to do.
Thanks to Sankalp, I've been able to do something (at least a bit) I like to do. And all the Senior and other volunteers show such unparallel amount of energy and enthusiasm, that it makes me feel, even maybe I can do anything I want to.
I would like to hear about the organization from the New Joinee. I would like to know whats there view regarding the organization.
Waitng for post here...