2 Years @ Sankalp

Submitted by arpitv007 on

I came to Bangalore on 30th July 2010, looking for a job and got placed the very next day. However, I didn’t get joining immediately. This left me with ample time to work for a cause. As I was new to Bangalore, I didn’t know of any organizations. So, I searched Google for volunteering opportunities and filled up forms for at least 10 organizations! To be frank, Sankalp was my last preference as I always believe in the cause of education and Sankalp works for cause of blood.

However, the first organization to call me back was Sankalp! I attended my first Sunday meeting on 22nd August 2010. And that was the beginning of my new journey. I don’t know how, but over a period of time, it became a part of my life. Maybe it’s because of the quality of Sunday meetings. I still remember my first meeting and the impression it left on me. As I have experience working with other organizations as well, I can say without doubt that the meetings in Sankalp are the best. Anyone who feels for the nation or society and wants to make a real difference would definitely get involved with Sankalp from the very first day. I too got my first task of digitalization on the very first meeting itself.

Sankalp not only provided me opportunity to serve the nation, it also helped me grow my interpersonal skills. The work always presents some challenges to the volunteers. Whether it is talking to Hospital authorities to put up stickers or giving talk to school students or handling a blood donation drive, life in Sankalp is never easy. And the fact that it’s not easy makes it more engrossing for me!  More than grooming my communication skills, however, the most important thing that Sankalp changed in me was the way I think and work. Being in Sankalp, you learn the real meaning of volunteering, of servitude and of making a difference. And that’s what makes my bond with Sankalp more eternal.

More than 2 years have passed since that fateful Sunday morning in August. And I have come a long way. The organization has also grown exponentially in this duration. But I know that this is just a start to the journey. We have to travel far and cover many more miles together. There is a dream to be realized and I hope to play a small part in realizing it. As they say, Keep Walking!