Sankalp News

Here are the latest news items from us.

Bombay blood group donor’s meet

On 10th January 2016 we had the 5th Bombay blood group donor meet - the get together of the every special people who have the Bombay blood group. The meeting provides a unique opportunity for people with this rare blood group to come together and deliberate upon issues related to the donation, requests and management of Bombay blood group.

Curing thalassemia: How does bone marrow transplantation compare to gene therapy?

Dr. Lawrence Faulkner. Director Sankalp-People Tree Hospitals Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Bangalore, India and Medical Coordinator Cure2Children Foundation Florence, Italy. The ideal cure for thalassemia, or for any other genetic disorder, would be to selectively correct the faulty gene in the relevant cell type in a safe, effective and affordable way.

News and Updates from November 2015

Thalassemia management November was a challenging month at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health. Thanks to the 10 government holidays, we had tough time accommodating all the children for transfusions. Looking at the workload at the institute together with the institute we are in the process of getting a doctor exclusively for the thalassemia unit.

The HLA Revolution : Getting together to make a difference

Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ullhasnagar, Rajahmundry, Faridabad and Dehradun - in last few months Sankalp India Foundation together with Cure2Children has offered free HLA typing to children suffering from thalassemia who have a healthy sibling. More than 250 families have been offered HLA typing. A fourth of these are likely to find a perfectly matched sibling.

Thalassemia - The Road Ahead

While the clamour to declare thalassemia as a disability grows around the country, year 2015 has brought realisation and reaffirmation to the long held perspective that we have at Sankalp India Foundation for thalassemia. As part of the counselling and motivational exercise, also as part of the speeches and the writings in the books, often the thalassemia families are told that their child should