Sankalp News

Here are the latest news items from us.

Our experience with sharing the vision of Bombay blood group at National Meet on Total Voluntary Blood Programme - Vision 2020

Association of Voluntary Blood Donors, West Bengal (AVBDWB) organised National Meet on Total Voluntary Blood Programme - Vision 2020 from 23-25th January, 2015 at Kolkata. This is one meet which is looked forward to by voluntary organisation from all over the country.

Caught between ignorance and business – Vulnerable parents of children suffering from thalassemia

Yesterday a family came to seek help for their child who is detected with thalassemia. We meet parents only on Sundays but we made an exception for this family as they had come all the way from a place 600 km away. The 8 month old baby girl had already received 3 transfusions and the family wanted to discuss the prospects of transplants.