Sankalp News

Here are the latest news items from us.

Technical Team's nightmare

11th February 2010 will go down in the history of Sankalp Tech Team in bold letters. We are not particularly proud of this date. Yet, the series of events that unfolded on the evening of this date have ensured that the organisation takes a whole new approaching into handling its technical requirements. Sankalp Tech will never be the same.

The Bombay Group Saga

1st March, 2009- It was a fine Sunday evening, to be spent in the college canteen catching up on the latest gossip, over tea. It was then, that an engineering student, a volunteer of the Sankalp emergency wing received a call. She listened with rapt attention and sprang into action.

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February 2010

RK Colleges One blood donation drive is being planned in each of the following places: Mysore, Davangere and Kolar. Please follow the events section for specific details. There are plans to include Raichur and Gulbarga districts in the working scope of Rakta Kranti Colleges.