BDO: Busy Bees

A busy phase, for all blood related volunteers, has begun. Following the start of semester in February, increased enthusiasm, better plans and works have been taken. Issues like drawbacks of previous semester and other problems were discussed along with their solutions and improvements. All volunteers will be given blood requests cases, including freshers who will get a good exposure this way. This requires the volunteers to be prepared all the time to take up cases and also balance with other things too, like studies. Everybody is to keep themselves updated on various issues regarding blood donation. Our website will soon be filtered of in-referenced and ambiguous reports. There will soon be relevant reports regarding blood donation on the site.
Another part of BDO is Rakth kranti, for the colleges, which is now extending projects to involve schools. The project is to educate and create awareness about blood donation and its benefits among school children, who are the potential blood donors of tomorrow, and motivate them to voluntary donation, when they become eligible. The plan of action is to perform a skit, with a simple story and a much bigger message. The project will start as soon as permission from the Principal is obtained. Since this is exam time in almost all schools, if we do not get permission then, it will start soon after school re-opens after summer vacation. In the meanwhile, the colleges will focused upon, under the same project, with similar approach with slight modifications.

Sankalp Unit