Are you a leader?

Submitted by sunny on

HI there are many instance when we r caught in a CATCH 22 situation - a dilemma . what do we do
1.GET CONFUSED - lose the battle.
2.LOOK UPTO SOMEONE - means we are not confident enough to handle the situation
3. LEAD FROM FRONT - decide to overcome the problems ourselves.
MANAGEMENT GURU and EX -GENERAL ELECTRICS CEO Mr JACK WELCH has outlined the following qualities of a leader
1. Control your destiny, or someone else will.
2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.
3. Be candid with everyone.
4. Don't manage, lead.
5. Change before you have to.
6. If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete.
Let us all be frank not all of us are NARAYAN MURTHY's, SACHIN TENDULKAR's or BHAGAT SINGH's but we also face hurdles in our day to day life, it could be as simple as helping a blind man cross the road, stopping someone from scratching on walls etc. I would like u all to come with such incidents and the way u tackled the situations. Let us see who is really SARTAAJ


Submitted by Venu on Sat, 08-Apr-2006 - 02:26


I am not the one. But wish to be a leader for myself.You showed me the ways through which I can show my leadership by siting few situations we come across very often. You are right, leadership is not about doing big things.