Does Life need to have a purpose?

Submitted by Jayesh on

AVERY young terminally ill girl wrote out a beautiful poem on her hospital bed. It ends with these simple lines: Life is not a race, do take it slower Hear the music, before the song is over. We spend hours recording music instead of listening to it live. We waste time capturing experiences on film, while we should be savouring the experiences. We are forever rushing to be some place, and when we reach there, it is rarely the place we wish to be! Is there a purpose to life? Is it to gain fame, success, and wealth? Do these acquisitions make us happy? Look at animals. Animals go through life instinctively and naturally. They hunt when they are hungry, mate when they feel the urge and sleep when they are tired. They exist fully in the present. Man is not happy with the world around him. He is forever at odds with nature. He would like to change the world to suit his wants, instead of living with nature to fulfill his needs. We are constantly in a rat race, forgetting that even if we win this rat race we still remain a rat! But how can one live without goals, you may ask. Let me then ask you this. How many of the goals you set out and achieved have given you true happiness? While working towards these goals, did you feel happy or stressed out? After reaching these goals, did you stop to enjoy the result, or did you plod on mindless towards other distant goals? Why don't you try instead, for a change, to just enjoy what you are doing, without worrying about the result? Ask any successful and wealthy man who is also happy, and he will tell you that he did what he loved to do, not because it would make him wealthy. When you enjoy the journey, the destination is always the right one for you. Within you there is the awareness of what is right for you. All that you need to do is to let that happen. Do not resist, just accept what life dishes out to you; flow with it in acceptance. What results is Happiness, bliss! Happiness is the attitude; it is the path of ecstasy. Happiness is already there inside you, you only have to recognize it and set it free. Be blissful! Source: FWD Mail


Submitted by rajat on Fri, 25-May-2007 - 16:17


Life sure must have a purpose.. Clean and sharp.. High.. Almost unachievable. I do not want to road around the world assuming that I am happy and satisfied if my basic necessities are taken care of. So the animal part is ruled out. I am not an animal. I am born with capabilities to dream and to shape my dreams.. SO living a normal satisfied life is a strict no no!. But the deeper reference in this article is to that frenzy, that madness for nothing but the result. To tell you frankly, at all times in my life when I have done something and taken it to it's end, when the time for result and reward comes, I have already migrated to the next dream. Very true.. Capturing moments on camera is a waste.. Capturing them in eyes and hearts is the real joy.. The best time of life is not the one minute of victory.. but each minute when you push yourself to your goal.. We need to have a purpose. We need to work to achieve our goal.. But we need not become insensitive empirical machines..

Submitted by ashwath on Tue, 29-May-2007 - 11:29


hmmm... i d say..itz abt opportunities..wether created or knocked ones..make the way for purpose of one s life..not tat he s born with it..keep movin in life even if hve no purpose..but the time u see a clearin ..cling on 2 it..and mke it ur purpose....

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Tue, 29-May-2007 - 13:08


Once we have achieved our goal we will surely be satisfied with ourselves.. And as i have heard many times " BE Satisfied with what u have".. but if we are satisfied with what we have then how are we going to get better things in life than what we already have.. so i think in life we should never be satisfied with what we have.. we should always be wanting more..