live and let live

Submitted by abhinav on

The jail in which Bhagat Singh,Sukhdev and Rajguru was kept before their execution there was something which was encrypted in the wall. It was "LIVE AND LET LIVE". I will strongly support the real sense behind this sentence which may be very normal and easy going for people. But once you start thinking of it u will feel the intensity of its meaning. I have completed my 4 years in engineering but at the end of this four years i feel that i was been captivated in some kind of course where i was forced to do what the authority wants.Please don't take my feeling otherwise and i am not enforcing something illegal or bad inside the college, all that what i want to convey to whom ever it concern that this is a professional course and students should get some kind of freedom which they are really deprived of. Its actually a mockery in the name of various department.On one hand they will say that this is a professional degree and a student is responsible for his/her suffering on the same they wont feel awkward in mentioning that every student should attain the class daily. There nothing wrong attending the classes even i would like to do but first make the classroom atmosphere good.We are engineers and what we do we simply sit in the class and write whatever the teachers narrates,and by simply mugging up the notes people are getting good marks somewhere near 85%-90%.Do you really think that this class room is serving some good purpose?In my all four years i have analysed that these teachers and management are least concerned when the students are in any kind of trouble or accident but on the contrary they will involve their nose when not required.if they want to be our parent then be with us all the time,no need to show false concern saying that we care for you. I would like to enlight u that only 10% of us feel about engineering, and the rest of us are simply another brick in the wall. I am saying to blindly follow me but please give this a thought


Submitted by Venu on Fri, 14-Apr-2006 - 20:08


You are correct. We never think on these lines. We just follow the crowd. It is necessary that we should think of making our engg life better. You have just shown us how to think. Giving a thought on this might lead to a good change.

Please can you explain what Abhinav has shown and you noticed.

Submitted by Venu on Thu, 20-Apr-2006 - 21:09

In reply to by rajat


According to Abhinav we dont think of what we are and how we should be. What is happening is we are just going with the system whether class is interesting or not we will sit for attendace sack. We are doing Experiments with manipulated results, then how do you feel for Engineering. Your class room doesnt have dust bin, your class is full of dust, Your class gets cleaned once in a week, you are not bothered. You dont have first aid box in your lab, there are no instructions regarding safety before you enter a new lab, still you choose to work in the same lab. How much interest does college show for all round development of a student.Proctorial system is just on records. The word safety is neglected here. We dont think on these lines. We are happy with the marks what we get by reading notes. We are satisfied with what we are.

Submitted by Jayesh on Fri, 14-Apr-2006 - 23:13


Friend,first i like to say that pls check the article before you post it as it has some mistake... Also i know there are many problem in the system but it would be better if you STOP LOOKING FOR PROBLEM AND START LOOKING FOR ITS SOLUTION...In your future life also you will face lots of problem if you only block your mind in problem than you will never see solution.. i know there are many things which we cannot change so adjust according to it and get your work done... IF YOU CANNOT CHANGE SITUTION ,CHANGE YOURSELF

Submitted by rajat on Fri, 14-Apr-2006 - 23:23


I am with you if you have any step in mind. I am with you if you want to take this sissue on your heart and take it up in a lrger way. Thats the best and the least I can do. But I have no sympathy for complaining..

I 100% agree there is no sympathy for complaining, we are engineers are we are not living at anyones mercy except our parents.This post was not for simply complaining about the system.if the system is large then i am also not small.There is a saying in hindi-"JAG ABHI JEETA NAHI HAI ,MAI ABHI HAARA NAHI HO.JAG KE JITNE SE PAHALE,HAAR KYU SWIKAR LO" I will never complain but also i wont change because i know i am right, and if the system feel that my way of thinking is wrong then it has two option, either throw me out of the system or accept me. i will keep on telling the same thing to everyone whatever be the after effects. right know my ideas are not that much applicable but i have definately understood the problem and one day i will get the solution BADA HUYA TO KYA HUYA, JAISE PEEDH KHAJUR. PANCHI KO CHAYA NAHI, PHAL LAGE AATI DUUR.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 15-Apr-2006 - 08:45


i totally agree to u.we are treated like school children or rather as kids..and the teachers always try to spoon feed the students..but what i feel that there should be a change in the buds if u have any idea in ur mind and u want to implement than do tell me i will be there with u...