Mera Sankalp

Submitted by parul on

I am new to Sankalp and Bangalore as well. Knowing much about me in this blog won't matter.What would matter is ki hamara kya sankalp hai??Bangalore mein what I have seen is a majority of software engineers who work from monday to friday and sleep or roam about in MG/Brigade road on week ends.Even I do the same. When I heard about Sankalp from my friend I don't know why I had this feeling of doing something other than sitting in AC office and working.I wish all people like me who would like to serve mankind can come up with some ideas like cleaning up Bangalore,educating children about personal hygiene,imparting education about diseases like AIDS,help poor people,lepers etc.There are so many things we can do.Not to help India grow but to make a difference in the life of the less privileged. I know even I am busy on weekdays but I am raedy to do the needful. As I am new in Bangalore,I hope we can start something by the help of those jo jaante hai about Bangalore and nearby ares.


Submitted by rajat on Thu, 06-Apr-2006 - 22:05


Great thought Parul.. If all of us get together and start doing our little bit towards the society and the Nation as a whole , then we will be able to make a huge difference to the way we as Indians live..

Thanks Rajat,I thought no one will read this. After you have read what I wanted to say,I expect we would work towards it. Lets make world a better place to live.

Submitted by Jayesh on Fri, 07-Apr-2006 - 18:25


hi, parul ,it was very nice to meet like minded people . As you think i too dont like the life style of a software engineer in bangalore . Even i am going to a software engineer after few month but I will not live as they... May be you are new to bangalore and Sankalp but never think that you are alone ...Sankalp is a organization which is always open to new ideas to make a society better place ... Sanklap provide plateform to all those you think and wants to do for the betterment of society and nation... post your idea and exchange other ideas through this plateform...WELLCOME TO SANKALP INDIA FOUNDATION

Submitted by Venu on Sat, 08-Apr-2006 - 01:25


How can no one read your post. There are volunteers working since years in Sankalp and you say Mera Sankalp.You have come up with a Sankalp. So you are welcome.Lets make this place a better place to live. We have the same Sankalp.