Sun will shine one more time.

Submitted by rajat on

I received a call today. It was from a very special person. A person who I has met 6 years back in the same month of April. A person who was so very important for me(and is). I have been bad at relationships. I can never really figure out what the others take for obvious. That is possibly one reason why people around me are usually frustrated with me. Whether they claim so or not is a different matter. Dust was slowly gathering on the relationship that we had. Over a period of time I was believing the person is slowly forgetting me and will finally plug me out of his/her life. I shiver at the thought , but I know that my role in life is that of 'Kevat'. I am meant to be walked over once my job is done. And seriously speaking, I don't have bit too much trouble with that. This is because I love what I do. When she called me today, at one go all the dust was wiped off. True I did not recognize her voice on phone. But I was very very happy as soon as I knew who I was talking to. It made me so very happy that I cant explain. When I am in gloom and haze is around me , such things remind me that inspite of all the wrongs that I have done, somewhere down the lane, there is a special person, to whom, I mean at least something. Why I am sharing this with you is simple. I am doing so because I want to. Because such things reinforce my faith in loving people and working for them even though they might turn back to you and say that you are horrible. That does not mean that they are wrong. Or ill keep disturbing them. Its just that they mean to me. They will continue to mean. Probably I will also mean to them. Then whats the problem.. Just Carry On. (For all those who are living in misunderstood relationships and who think they are misunderstood.. time will come when the sun will again shine).


Submitted by ritika on Sun, 09-Apr-2006 - 13:59


I feel it too. No problem, no lenght of time, no distance can be greater than a relationship this special. Loved one will always come back to you..