When Talking about Reservation

Submitted by rajat on

I know it hurts and pains to see the politicians play with the lives and future of the civilians so very rudely. Reservation issue this time came as an uninvited guest to me. When I sit down to think about the issues that I am confronting in and around me, I can broadly classify them into two categories. One, that affect me directly and the other that are at some distance when talking about impact. My personal motivation is always higher for the issues that I confront. In this case also I picked up the recent issue of reservation to reason out the category to which it belongs. I came across discussions about the almighty IIT's and the IIM's. About how will it affect the lives of the people who aspire for them and who pass out of them. I, personally once wanted to be there, but now the time is different. I am in Ramaiah. This is point 1. The second issue I come across is this. 44% f the money that government spends on, goes for higher education. This in turn benefits a fraction of 0.1%. And even then, this 0.1% mostly either migrates to other countries or do not really work for National Interest. Then why am i not really shocked to see the government's negligence of primary education which will definitely make many more lives happier. The third issue is that if I do not stand up against the reservation in my own university which educates 30000 individuals annually then why am I worried about the IIMs. I never considered a protest for our own university. Then why do I want something done this time? All this together posed some discrete questions:
1. Am I riding the wave? (Just because this issue is hot and happening, am I taking keen interest in it?)
2. Do I take responsibility of my surrounding first and then point things to the others?
3. What is more important to me? Large name and fame based institutes or institutes that cater to grater needs?
I leave these questions unanswered for the moment and throw it for you as food for thought. Please comment


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 19-Apr-2006 - 17:21


i agree with u rajat that there has been great social inequality due 2 reservation. politicians use caste and reservation system only as their votebank .no worthwhile work is going on 2 improve the condition of downtrodden. the first step 2 tackle this should be at the grass root level. instead of thinking of iit and iim's we shd provide them proper basic facility and primary education. but the question remains what can we do 2 counter this problem.

This is the key point at which the though procewss and route of action for most of us stops. In this particular issue too I personally thought out a solution that I guess is the best thing to be done by me . Ill share this with you in the next blog entry. Pl see if you share the same view. Click here for my reply