Where is the safety in India?

Submitted by Venu on

Meerut Fier : Inadequate measures .The fire is believed to have been sparked off by a short circuit at one of the stalls, and was fueled by the plastic matting on the floor. .The inflammable covering in the air-conditioned hall also helped the flames spread to the other two halls. .The tent in which the fair was being held had a common entry and exit point, making it difficult to escape when the fire spread. .The situation worsened when the gas cylinders inside the pandals burst. This shows the lack of precaution and preparation for fire accident.

Where is the safety in India? This is the response of many people after meerut fire. Should we blame the country for such accidents. No I don't agree with this. Let us first question ourselves how much keen about our own safety. Instead of blaming system what we can do is to think of our safety, the place where we live and where ever you go think of safety issues. I live in the college where there is no safety in terms of fire. I don't think of canteen where at-least 300 students crowd and what if cylinders blast. If you want to change yourself and want to do some thing lets start with I and my place i.e. College. Anybody interested and want to take initiative and want to make our college safe in terms of fire please contact me. Others who want to know how to make your house, office, college safe through precautionary measures and Want tips to think about safety issues in terms of fire where ever you go, please do contact me.


Submitted by brij_agrwl on Wed, 12-Apr-2006 - 16:12


well i think with organisation like ours.. sankalp there should not be any lack of preparedness because of awareness or as mistake.. but this all because our country with such large population do not mind lose of the small no. of ppl. More over here also comes corruption. the organiser of the fair must be lacking funds or must be eating extra money which could have been used for precautious steps.. i think u got my point..

Brijesh there might be coruption but it is not directly related to the fire accident. Money wont make much difference here. The organisers here are negligent about the possible threats like fire, stampeed, heavy rain. As you said life here has no value it is quite true. If they were serious about safety issues, they should have provided emergency exits at multiple points, this dont take money. They might have kept gas cylinders at a reasonable distance, they should have used some materials which do not catch fire easily. Because of this fire spread to two other tents. Read the inadequecies I have mentioned. It is not always money the reason, It is the negligence as you say.

When we put statements on web we must be very responsible as all these would carry some impact in the transition and that would be very far and wide..much beyond our imagination or even direct control. So as we are preaching of care & precautions we must actually be sure - not just in our feel but in our authentic knowledge of the subject before placing the same for other to view and be influenced by the same. Hope you have received the message well