
A girl from calcutta

Submitted by Venu on
(This was written on 30th Apr but I could not post it early) 29th Aprill 2006, saturday afternoon I got call from auto driver, who took us to home of hope to admit a old lady. He gave the information that there is a girl who desperately needs help.

a new word

Submitted by parul on
'Bangalored' is a verb which recently got added in the dictionary. A person is said to be bangalored if he lost his job because the work got outsourced to Bangalore or any other city in India. 'He got bangalored last week' is an example of its usage. You can also type this word 'bangalored' in Google search and see. Lots of people in US got bangalored that it became an issue during the US Presidential election. That?s exactly when this word was coined. One such similar verb is 'shanghaied' which means kidnapped.

What's happening???

Submitted by pooja on
why were the 32 innocent villegers in J&K killed by those terrorists? what do they want to convey? Can somebody please tell me I don't understand why people are being MURDERED for no fault of theirs? can't we do anything to put an end to terrorism and protect our own people?

National Song

Submitted by ankita on
National Song The song Vande Mataram, composed in Sanskrit by Bankimchandra Chatterji is India's National Song. Why Vande Mataram? The song was chosen because it had inspired many people during India's struggle for freedom. The following is the text of the first stanza of the National Song: Vande Mataram! Sujalam, suphalam, malayaja shitalam, Shasyashyamalam, Mataram! Shubhrajyothsna pulakitayaminim, Phullakusumita drumadala shobhinim, Suhasinim sumadhura bhashinim, Sukhadam varadam, Mataram! Here is the English translation of the stanza by Sri Aur

My SOP??

Submitted by ankita on
Since yesterday I was thinking about a matter that I would like to share with everyone. I came across a blog post, which told us various reasons to feel proud of our country and work for it. Today I was asked to give SOP (statement of purpose) for working for one of the Sankalp activities.


Submitted by rajat on

The Decision Making process

From time to time I have to face a severe problem. The problem relates to decisions people make in situations. There are two types of decision makers. The ones who take decisions intutively and the ones who carefully workout decisions. Decisions are essentially stepping stones to a thing of far greater value- actions. First you decide and only then you act. If you wish to permorm the right actions , then it is necessary to have good decisions. Lets get to the method directly. Dicision making involves five steps essentially.

What stops the free flow of thoughts while speaking…

Submitted by ankita on
Hesitation - It is an unknown, indefinable resistance, which do not let us to be open to others. Many times even if we know what we are suppose to speak and have full confidence in our thoughts, we don’t let it come out because we are hesitant in speaking in crowd, group or in front of some particular individual. And then when someone else comes up with same idea as ours, we realize that we could have spoken. It is not just about conveying ideas but also our feelings. Sometimes just because we are hesitant in telling what we actually feel, we land up in an undesirable situation.

Take Control

Submitted by pravachak on
I know that the movie Rang de Basanti has had the "Loose Control" effect on the entire nation
But I guess I will Recommend Take Control

Project Coffee...

Submitted by Anurag Singh on
What is Project Coffee? It is an attempt to bring on one page young and educated Indians, connected to the Internet... - who wished that the political scene in the country was better - eager to oppose reservation policy - and willing to contribute in whatever little way How to enlist? - By mailing back to Or (preferably) - By visiting and leaving a comment (see bottom of page that page to post comment) Your message has to have this simple f