
My Senses and Blood

Submitted by rajat on
People have strange and curious likes and dislikes. We like eating some stuff, smelling some other stuff, touching some special item at home or the like..

For my senses I have a different kind of Stimulant.
Over the past three years I have realised that this stimulant acts like the strongest drug on me. It pulls me out of blues. It re-builds confidence, it restores a smile, it increases confidence. But more than anything else it pumps adrenaline in my body. All five senses start behaving in complete harmony when i am dealing with it. Its probably for this reason that i can never leave it alone. I just have to be a part of it to keep going. Any guesses....

The excitement and the fun of Elecronics in DMMG

Submitted by rajat on

It brought with it excitement fun and great work of mind. One poster in the front foyer brought a new dimension to the disaster relief missions as Sankalp perceives them.

The Cummins college fest Innovation 2006 proved to be a great starter for one of the largest techno project of Sankalp in Disaster Management. Past two active days resulted in a truly awesome model. Brain storming has its own benefits.

Ramkrishna did an examplary job by taking down the notes. I am good at talking but presenting on paper is slightly difficult job. He helped a lot.

Saluting The Real Heros

Submitted by rajat on

This is about one of the Great son of Mother India.So please take some time from ur busy schedule and read it with a great sense of respect. Then whole India was busy in guessing about who will be the next PM of the country. Will it be Sonia or will it be Manmohan Singh?

Do Good

Submitted by rajat on

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The first Workshop

Submitted by rajat on

Hats off to Varsha and Sujata. They had worked very hard to come up with the first workshop. Their dedication for this event generated hope in me. I wish they become a very important part of the organization. Altruism in Varsha and Dedication in Sujata. Not that these are the only words for them, but my english is limited.

Pallavi and Shweta came in for first time. As i read it, they were satisfied.