
A few good men...

Submitted by souravroy on

If any country needs a new political formulation, it is India! People seem to have lost faith even in the existing electoral system. Well,  a democracy only becomes meaningful, when it offer voters meaningful choices.

Good-boy, spoiled-brat

Submitted by souravroy on

If there is anything more humiliating than the way USA dictates its laws over the laws of other sovereign nations, it is the way India allows it to happen! First they sell us billions of dollars worth military equipment.

Voluntary Blood donor Hero save the day Again!

Submitted by prabha on

One thing that has changed for good at Indira Gandhi Institue of Child Health for the 130+ Thalassemia patients who come for treatment and care is that arranging for blood is no longer their problem while this ensures that they are not left to suffer making attempts to find a donor each month, paying for blood or getting blood from unsafe sources, there is another aspect. Now it is Team Sankalp which strives on behalf of these patients to ensue regular supply of blood.