Events in December 2012

Here is how the month of December went about in Sankalp.

Contrasting from the previous month, the month of December saw the city of Bangalore in specific and most blood banks across Karnataka in general suffer from extreme shortage of blood. In general, students were busy with exams and the corporates were busy with the year end. There were very few camps and the shelves dried up quickly. The emphasis was to organise as many drives as possible. However, we must admit that we were not able to organise as many drives as were required.

4th Dec: Applied Materials has always supported us in blood donation drives at ITPL. This time though, an ITPL camp was not possible due to unavailability of space. Applied Materials continued their support by orgaizing a blood donation camp in their campus. Donors were motivated and came in good numbers. 129 units were collected in the camp.

5-6th Dec: Due to unavailability of space in ITPL main campus, a blood donation drive was organized in Prak Square Mall near ITPL. It was a 2 day event and a public camp. Being organized in mall, we couldn't get a high inflow of donors. Still with good publicity and brochure distribution, we collected 163 units of blood in 2 days.

7th Dec: Capgemini organized a camp in Ecospace campus on 7th December. Due to the last minute change in plans, the camp had to be closed early and we collected 45 units of blood.

12th Dec: First blood donation drive was conducted in Inteva Products India Autommotive Pvt Ltd. Being organized on 12-12-12, people were really excited and keen to donate blood! Also an awareness session was conducted in the company which certainly helped to motivate people to join this cause. 50 units were collected from the company of 150 employees which is an amazing turnout.

15th Dec: Vanguard Business School organized a blood donation drive for the first time on 15th December. The total strength of college is about 120 people including faculty. Even with such a small strength, 47 students turned up for donation which shows their high level of enthusiasm and motivation. Due to many rejections in the camp mostly on the medical grounds, we collected 31 units of blood.

19-20th Dec: Eleventh blood camp was organized in Lucent on 19th-20th December. 92 units were collected in the well organizedcamp.A series of drives happened in Capgemini on 15th, 16th, 29th and 30th November. A total of 335 units were collected in the drives. The company has moved from one location to the other and there is a lot of work still in progress to get the facilities in top shape. However, even in such conditions, the organisation did not want to disturb it's rich tradition of tri-annual blood drives. With smaller locations with very little space and hard timing constraints too, the enthusiasm and the participation of the associates was commendable.