The Rakta Kranti boost for Dengue: 1100+ units in 2 months!


Although all reports indicate that the city is running at possibly the lowest levels of stocks for certain blood components, it is not that Sankalp is just complaining about it. Over the 2 month period from June 2010 to July 2010, Sankalp organised multiple blood donation drives with more than 1100 units of blood being collected. A million thanks to all the organisers and donors for standing up to the challenge. Here is a brief note on all the various camps held with different organisations.

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Capgemini Indigo

On 3rd June a drive Sankalp organized its 3rd Blood Drive at Capgemini indigo where over 60 employees participated with 45 donations made.One Blood bank participated in the drive. On 11th June Sankalp organized its 4th blood donation drive at Deutsche Bank where over 200 employees participated with 191 donations being made.3 Blood Banks participated in the drive.

Alcatel Lucent

On 15th and 16th June Sankalp organized its 5th at Alcatel-Lucent with 64 and 84 donations being made respetively.The company volunteers did fantastic work in spreading awareness among employees of the company.On the first day of the drive a blood bank from Kolar was also invited to collect blood seeing the shortage of blood in Kolar.

Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Scientific Research

On 25th June Sankalp organized its 2nd blood donation drive at Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Scientific Research where over 60 students participated in the drive with 54 donations made.One Blood Bank was invited for the drive.


On 30th June Sankalp Organized its 3rd blood donation drive at LOGICA.The team red at Logica has always been doing a great job in spreading the awareness of blood donation among the employees and this time to they continued the same.We had over 190 employees participating in drive with 172 donation made.

One important point to note is the fact that all these are repeat blood donation drives, and these organisations understand the need and importance of having multiple drives in a year,especially when there is a dire need. 3 Cheers to their never say die spirit

TATA Consulting Engineers Limited

On 8th July Sankalp Organized its 1st blood donation drive at TATA Consulting Engineers Limited.Over 120 employees participated in the drive with 109 donations made.The volunteers at TCE did a great job in spreading the awareness of blood donation among the employees by conducting quiz,putting up posters and sending frequent motivating E-Mails.and this time to they continued the same.

General Motors

On 15th July Sankalp Organized its 1st blood donation drive at general Motors. Over 200 employees participated in the drive with 198 donations made.Two blood banks participated in the drive.A blood bank from Kolar also invited in the drive as there was shortage of blood units in Kolar. These 2 drives were first Sankalp drives in the respective companies, and the numbers only are a statistical representation of the resounding success of both the drives


ITPL IX Blood DriveOn 20th July Sankalp Organized its 9th blood donation drive at ITPB in association with Ascendas and Applied Materials.Over 240 employees participated in the drive with 224 donations made.Three blood banks participated in the drive.The volunteers from Applied materials have been consistently doing great work in taking the message of blood donation among the employeed.

As always the quality of the drives has something that Sankalp has always focussed on. Giving donor the comfort and sense of complete satisfaction and at the same time making sure that all medical procedures are done is what Sankalp ensures. We have been investing a lot of time and energy on improving quality in blood donation drives. Sankalp volunteers are trained to handle various situations in camps. Any feedback on the quality/processes used is most welcome. Please mail them over to Till then, keep donating blood once in every 3 months. :)

Sankalp Unit