Worshop on Blood Components



Workshop On Blood Components

Since it's inception, Sankalp has called itself a blood donation organisation. Those are big words for a bunch of engineers, because blood is a vast area in the medical field. understanding blood becomes highly critical for all volunteers and work in a more meaningful manner. there have been tremendous advancements in science and this has led to various new things. Volunteers of Sankalp are always on their toes trying to understand these latest trends

One such very important advancement is the usage of blood components. One unit of blood can be used to save 3 lives - thanks to the components that blood is made up of , platelets, plasma and red cells. Medically and scientifically it is a well proven fact that it is best always to give a patient the required component of blood. This means that blood collected after donation needs to be separated into the various components. This shifts the onus on the blood banks. Blood colleceted from a donor must be put into a centrifuge machine to be able to extract out the necessary components. The process is quite tedious and must be started within 6 hours of the unit having been collected. The infrastructure involved is quite expensive and the process requires a trained technician to handle things. However, sadly it is seen that many blood banks in the state of Karnataka do not have these facilities and many more are in the process of acquiring necessary infrastructure to strat component separation of blood. The question then is do the staff in the 170 odd blood banks in the state of Karnataka, know about the effective usage of blood components and how to separate them. Surely, many are unaware. The need of the hour is an effective training from the experienced people.

Sankalp India Foundation is organising a Workshop on Blood Components in association with ISBTI Karnataka and NIMHANS on 18-19 June 2010. The workshop will provide for the blood banking community of Karnatka to learn the latest and the best in component separation from the experts in the field. With presentations on the latest advances in these topics from eminent and noted transfusion specialists of Karnataka and live demonstrations on some critical processes, the workshop is a shot in the arm for the blood bank staff from all over the state. Also, a doctor from Mumbai, who is regarded as one of the best speakers on the topics of blood all over the country will also be sharing his knowledge for the benefit of the blood banking community. The organisation is busy ensuring that this event is a truly learning experience for the 100 technicians and doctors who are expected to attend the program.

Talk on 'Need for Stem Cell Registry in India:

Sankalp India Foundation is happy to announce a talk on 'Need for Stem Cell Registry in India' by none other than Dr Rajyadaksha from the Tata Institute of Cancer Research, Mumbai. The voluntary organisation related to blood donation i Karnataka are sill in nacent stages of understanding the recent advancements in stem cell research and the need to have a database of people who are willing to donate stem cells. This talk will provide the right information and the right direction for the Voluntary Organisatiosn to tune in to the recent advances and the consequent need for the database. The participation in this talk can be confirmed by mailing sankalp.admin@gmail.com.

Venue: NIMHANS Convention Centre

Date: 18th June 2010

Time: 2:30-3:30 PM