At the Calcutta session of the Indian national Congress held in December 1906, Ambika Charan Majumdar moved the Congress Resolution supporting Boycott and Swadeshi and Bipin Chandra Pal seconded it. In a fiery speech Bipin Chandra Pal said: "You will have observed the word "Boycott" attached to the word "Movement". It means that it shall move, move from point to point, move from city to city, move from division to division, move from Province to Province till we realize the highest destiny of our people as a nation in the comity of nations I mean "Swaraj".
Bipin Chandra Pal literally and figuratively carried the message of Boycott Movement and Swadeshi Movement from Province to Province. In January 1907, he set out on a long tour of the new Province of East Bengal besides Allahabad and Benares in the United Provinces, Cuttack in Orissa, Visakapattinam, Vizayana-garam, Kakkinada, Rajamundry in present Andhra Pradesh and lastly Madras City. His passionate eloquence and oratory moved multitudes.
Bipin Chandra Pal delivered five lectures on the Madras Beach from May 2, 1907 to May 9, 1907 wherein he expounded the philosophy, goal, programme and strategy of the national movement in considerable detail. Maha Kavi Bharathi, Subrbamania Siva, and Rt. Hon. Srinivasa Sastri attended all these lectures on the Madras Beach.