A ninety-seven-year-old Sehgal, died or cardiac arrest in Kanpur on 23rd July, 2012. A frail Capt Lakshmi Sehgal, met patients at her Kanpur clinic even the day before she suffered the cardiac arrest. Even after death, as per her will, her eyes and body were donated to medical college. The eyes went to the visually challenged and the body was used for medical studies.
A name that shines bright in the noble tribe of selfless patriots, who fought gallantly for India’s freedom- a set of brave hearts who, over years, witnessed the rapid demise of values they once stood for. Captain Lakshmi Sehgal was a lady who chose to remain a fighter all her life. Captain Lakshmi had the quality of awakening a sense of joy and possibility in all who met her – her co-workers, activists of her organisation, her patients, family and friends.
Her life was an inextricable part of 20th and early 21st century India - of the struggle against colonial rule, the attainment of freedom, and nation-building over 65 tumultuous years. In this great historical transition, Captain Lakshmi always positioned herself firmly on the side of the poor and under powered. Freedom fighter, dedicated medical practitioner, and an outstanding leader of the women's movement in India, Captain Lakshmi left the country and its people - a fine and enduring legacy.