Camp 1 @ MSRIT April 7, 2007

The donation of 29 units of blood @ MSRIT on April 7th, 2007 was a very important moment for all of us. After years of effort to streamline the blood availability and issue at M S R Blood Bank, this was the first major step to make it stronger and better for the needy. As planned, there was no big hype. Only 3 beds and about 10 Volunteers. The stage was set. One by one 39 donors from 3 different classes walked in to donate. The beauty of the programme was the elaborate arrangement for the donors. At no point in time was there any chaos. At no point in time did the donor not know what to do. Each donor was being taken care of for the entire blood donation period. There were few who were questioning the small number and the insignificant magnitude. As they saw the process that was being adopted, they realized that the process was slow because donor safety, care and education were not compromised for the sake of speed and numbers. The Volunteers who were organizing the event were wearing badges which indicated their role. And each one of them very beautifully played their small part in the best kind of manner they could. What better example of teamwork can be given. Each one believed that all the others will do all to ensure that their job is done properly. And this faith ensured that no step was missed, no confusion arose, no tension crept in the entire duration of camp. There were Volunteers who showed keen interest in organizing this event in the future. With careful training and dedicated work, we are sure that soon we will see many new faces giving some part of their time for the cause of Life. The Blood Bank staff carried out their job beautifully. You could see each one of them paying close attention to the minutest detail to ensure that the donors had a wonderful experience. As always, The few minutes that the Principal could spare for the event were Highly Motivating and Encouraging. He went around talking to all the staff and the donors and shared their experience. At the end of the day, the donors, volunteers and the staff, together, opened up a new paradigm in the field of blood donation. The blood is rushing. the eyes are set. The hands craving for more work. We will make this service a part of our lives.