Now see what the Government wants to see

Submitted by pravachak on


Few months back there was an uprising in our nation. There was an unprecedented movement against the wrongdoings of the Government and the public participated in huge way to ensure that what they thought was the right thing to do was heard by the Government. When Anna Hazare started his campaign in support of Jan Lokpal, the fuel to the fire came from Social Media. The same people who were busy liking and commenting on each other suddenly found themselves discussing democracy, rights and responsibilities. Each move of the Government was scrutinised. People were following what has happening by the minute. for the first time in our lifetime we saw the Government Ministers exposed before the public eye in such a  crystal clear way. Even those who did not want jan Lokpal could see clearly what the centre was up to. Finally, the Government had to listen to the public voice.

Looks like Kapil Sibal is all set to ensure that his worst nightmare is taken care of. Looks like the people at the centre have decided to go on a mission to ensure that the public voice finds no platform. We all know that the news channels are mostly sold off to one group or the other. In such situations, looks like Mr Sibal is using his entire lawyer brain, power and wickedness to ensure that the Government never faces a similar day again.

Quoting TOI: "NEW DELHI: Tension is brewing once again between the government and internet and social media companies over the telecom and IT ministry's demands to screen user content and remove offensive material before it is uploaded. 


Sources said over the last three months the government has been in talks with these firms to put in place a monitoring mechanism. On Monday, telecom & IT minister Kapil Sibal met executives from the Indian units of Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook to discuss the issue, but no solution was in sight. "

The Goverment is asking for MONITORING MECHANISMS. It wants to have the ability to screen content. and look at this: "The New York Times reported that about six weeks ago Sibal called legal representatives from the top internet service providers and Facebook into his office and showed them a Facebook page that maligned Congress president Sonia Gandhi. "This is unacceptable," he said, reported an executive. The minister asked them to find a way to monitor what is posted on their sites. "

Probably our Indian Government is envious of the control that their Chinese counterparts exert over their own people. The one thing about our democracy that we have been so proud of all the while is the freedom to express. It looks like that freedom itself is under a threat today.  It has become the standard operational policy of the Government to come up with anti National, anti people plans covered nicely in wrapping paper of fear and concern. 

Mr Sibal.. Mr Chitambaram.. Mr Manmohan Singh and the silent Director of this show - Ms Sonia Gandhi we know what you are doing with the equipment that you installed after 26-11 (Read more here). We know that you did not set up NSG centres the way you promised. We know integrated intelligence command is still a dream. We know the coast is not secured. But you acted with exceptional speed to get the right to listen to private conversations. It speaks of you, your motives and unfortunately of what a threat you are to us. 

We know that you have the biggest threat to the lives of farmers as your Agricultural minister.

But to be frank, I am not afraid of the consequences of what you are trying. YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED. India is not China. Indian's are not Chinese. Just that I think you are forcing us.. You are forcing us not to participate and cooperate with you to build our nation, but to think of safeguarding our nation from you. Try censorship if you like.. we at Bangalore will build so many sites in so many ways with so many technologies.. that Mr Sibal you won’t know who to question, who to stop and how!

Shame shame shame!