13 th April is coming

Call it Baisakhi or call it the anniversary of the Jallian Wala Baag Massacre, or of you like, by some other name. This date is a very important date in the history, culture and tradition of our country.

Anyone one of you who wishes to take a personal initiative to do something on this date, please contact me. I will like to join you in the way I can. But please if nothing, think about the day for a couple of moments in your life.



Sankalp Unit

Submitted by amitsedai on Wed, 05-Apr-2006 - 17:59


the image is really good.. good work.. We didn't get our freedom so easily.. so many sacrifices,so many..

Submitted by rajat on Sat, 08-Apr-2006 - 22:29


Its sort of depressing to see very few comments on this blog page. There are various dimensions to life. Some times we have some problems with a few and special attractions towards a few. The only thing I can say is that I had thought that a little more interactivity will be seen on this page. Probably I was overexcpecting or wrongly expecting.. Anyways.. :-< -> :-| -> :-) Thats it.

Submitted by Venu on Thu, 13-Apr-2006 - 08:19


Today is 13th.. I like to read and know more about the day and try to realise the importance of this day for me.

Submitted by pooja on Wed, 03-May-2006 - 15:19


in the history of INDIA apr. 13th must have been one of the most important day....This event really shook the whole of our country...It was due to this disastrous event that our beloved patriotic poet Rabindranath Tagore gave up his title'SIR' to show his opinion to those cruel britishers..It was due to this event revolutionaries like BHAGAT SINGH, UDAM SINGH came to light by.THis day was imprinted in there mind till their death. It is a pleasure to know that atleast now people are beginning to realise the importance pf this day... VANDE MATARAM!!!