Submitted by pooja on
Once a man had a dream. It was a dream about his life but it was in the form of a walk by the sea shore.After the whole walk he had a chance to have a top view of the whole shore. There he noticed 2 sets of footprints,when he asked God about it,He replied that He walked by him all the time.But when the man saw the later part of his life he noticed that at times when he was in trouble there was only one set of footprints.Angered by this he questioned God why He did not be by his side during testing times. With great patience THE GOD said "child whenever you were doing good I was enjoying your success like a friend and hence you can see 2 sets of footprints, but during your testing times I've carried you like a father and that is my foot prints you see".... REMEMBER GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU!!!


Submitted by ankit on Sun, 11-Jun-2006 - 14:51


God is not with you, but god is with in you..Whenever u take up a task which is opposed by the entire system but u still have the convictions to do that that's when the god comes into picture.. Mostly in the form of convictions when u are in dilemma and have to take some tough decisions...Whatever u do, just give u r best shot and u'll find god again and again..