The road to successis not straight.....
There is a curve called failure...
A loop called confusion...
Speed breakers called bad company...
Caution lights called family...
But if you have a spare called determination...
Insurance called faith...
Engine called perseverance...
And a guide called God,
You will surely make it to a place called "SUCCESS"!
All are essential components of life which makes you a perfect person. Without going through this entire path, the success achieved will just be symbolic.
Hi Pooja.. Is success the
Hi Pooja.. Is success the final and all desired thing..
success is very much desired but sky is not the limit...
What if i tell you that u can be successful
but the path and road are not your choices? Will you choose the right path or the final destination?
of course...
....I would choose the right path,however tough it may be.
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