This country of a billion people has seen it all. from external aggression to internal conflicts, from Kashmir to Kaveri, it has seen so much blood shed that somewhere deep down inside we have become in-sensitive to the news of deaths.
The newspapers in past two days are talking about a heinous crime. They are talking about the bomb blasts in Samjhauta Express. Death toll of 68. The suspects boarded the train from our capital-New Delhi.
I guess more Indians knew about the London bombings of 7-7 than this incidence. For a major portion of the population it is a single news that may at best arouse them to utter some words against a particular Nation. Do we value the lives of our people? Are we concerned about what happens beyond our city or state?
I have not been able to find any answer for myself. I have not been able to figure out what we can do as individuals of this nation. I do not know what to interpret.
I don't really know if I should be smiling these days ..
Watchdog Timer
It looks as though God has coded all of us with a watchdog timer. Our sensitivity has a timeout. These days it seems that the timer is being programmed with timeout=0.
Out of sight... out of mind....
Sensitive..still insensitive
I feel we are sensitive towards only those issues which associate to us directly. Others are like gush of wind which comes and goes and hardly have any effect on us. But surprisingly we are more worried about Abhishek Bacchan getting married to aishwarya Rai and have more information about recent film fare award than our railway and other budgets. With such kind of sensitivity I feel we are going nowhere...
but I m sure if one of my family member or friends would have been on this train I would have know the minutest detail about the occurrence of the train blast and also would have followed all the news about other blast happening...
We are not insensitive just that we have tendency of being sensitive about issues where we can just be the third party, have opinion and discuss or gossip about it without putting any extra effort form our side and thats all.......
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