Capitalism, communism and India…

Submitted by souravroy on

In the last century two ideological schools dominated the intellectual landscape and served as a framework for social and economic organizations- one was communism and the other one was capitalism. While the first aimed at equality through a classless society, the other promised freedom, free market and free trade. By the end of 20th century, communism had failed. Now is the era, when the world is witnessing capitalism under sustained attack. Under such conditions, the question to be asked is- is communism the only alternative to capitalism?

If 21st century is Asia’s century, shouldn’t we at least consider the values of this land? India is the land of Sanatana dharma, which defines any act under one of the 4 categories-

  1. Dharma
  2. Artha
  3. Kama
  4. Moksha

In a capitalistic society, Artha and Kama are predominant. In a Communist society, since a greater good is targeted, and liberty of individuals is jeopardized, Dharma and Moksha seem to be predominant.

Is there no alternative possible to the current economic and social systems? I believe there is. There has to be a systematic way, where all four acts can be balanced. Our society in the past has proved it time and again that this is possible. The interesting thing to see will be, if at all we go for it, how do we achieve it, and how does the world react to such a change.