Is Education Creating Caste System?????

Submitted by chayan on
I read an article the other day by Wipro chairman Azim Premji stating that education system is creating caste system. Premji said that knowing or unknowingly todays education system is emphasising, aiding and encouraging the caste system. He also said that the process of education is diadvantageous in our country as there are many privileged students in our country, some more and some less just because of their background. Some have more facilities avaliable to them such as technology, learning material, guides etc.. Can we evaluate each of them on the same criteria of boards n enterance examinations?? In country like ours where 85% of the students study in govt schools n the rest 15% follow the private system trend, the facilities and technologies followed there definately gives the latter an upper edge over the others.. Students which are studying in these 15% institutes are generally selected in good colleges. Hence the other students get colleges which are not good in technologies and other stuff, futher promoting the caste system by the end of there education.. Also it shows how much do we really believe in the govt policies of education at the BASIC GRASS ROOT LEVEL.. Also I think that the more we remain passive or neutral about this cause the more we are promoting the cause. Can we do something is the question now????


Submitted by amitsedai on Fri, 01-Jun-2007 - 23:20


The govt. of our country tried to cover up these differences using Reservation as a tool. However , their real motive was for gaining vote banks as people from rural areas majorly vote. People like us in urban areas do not vote. Frankly , 3 years have passed since I became eligible and I have not yet voted. These not only the reasons. The govt. also had to cover the poorer infrastructure provided to the schools, colleges in rural areas. Surely they are deprived of the education we have received.But how do we suffice their grievances , make them stand at par with the society so that they stand totally eligible with us. Please share your views.

There was a time when the becoming of a doctor for one person in a village meant proper health for tens of villages around. Today it does not mean the same. Earlier if one man in the society rose, he extended the hand of support to the others around him. Now he is too busy. Learn to give back to the society. It may not be money always. Sometimes it may ask for time and care. Giving back would mean you going back and passing on the benefits of your learning to the less privileges.. If this happens.. there is no need of Governments to design and implement the so called up-liftment plans..

Submitted by rajat on Sat, 02-Jun-2007 - 05:58


If you are really moved by the cause and keen to work on it, then also approximate the extent to which you are ready to go for it. You have several choices 1. Campaigner : Go around raising awareness 2. Activist: File PILs and fight battle on media and in court 3. Revolutionary: Give it all you have and don't stop till this menace dies out! Another day spent thinking and waiting is a waste. Once you are sure about the role you want to play, look for people who are working on this and join them( I can help you with this). Aside: I have only seen anti-reservation campaigners around me.

Submitted by 2PAC FR3V3R on Sun, 03-Jun-2007 - 12:07


well taking this topic one step forward,, wenever the govt. increases/stresses on the quota system,,the hatred of the upper/normal people towrdz the lower caste people increases,,this iz wat leads to an imbalance in the society...and also regenarates the feeling of the presence of a caste system still in India...this is not to suggest that you shouldnt have reservations but it simply means that,,have reservations,,but only upto a limit,,dont push the normal 'aam' janta so much that,,they lose their patience and they vent the anger which they possess over the govt.,,on the people who dont deserve so...

Submitted by buddhabrata on Sun, 10-Jun-2007 - 11:54


Education is not "CREATING" caste system. The caste system started off as an ancient practice since time immemorial. Then it was strictly based on ones profession. In those days the education system was designed to keep this social differentiation intact for the building up of the so called "ideal" society. Today, though the caste system has become totally heridetary; the education system fails to show its flexibility in this regard. So, yes probably education is failing to stop the social evil~~~the caste system. But its wrong to say that educaion is creating the caste system.

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Sun, 10-Jun-2007 - 18:03


Though there are students from govt schools if they are brilliant and they have the willingness to achieve something i think that them studying in govt schools or private schools doesn't matter much.. Those who want to win will win some way or the other:-) So i dont know how education is creating caste system???? Thoug i support the idea that reservations are helping a little to create differences..