
Submitted by rajat on

“If owning agricultural land is also classifying you as a farmer, then stop mocking me because there are millions of people who own agricultural land and do not necessarily go down on their hands and knees and till the earth,” - Amitabh Bachhan

Source: The Hindu (

My interpretation of the above statement may be wrong considering that I am no expert in english language.. but as I see, Mr Bachhan. the great role model of the modern India.. the person who we admire and love so much.. tends to show little or no respect for the profession that brings to us teh food that we eat. Being a farmer here sounds like being less than an actor.

May he now what it takes to - "go down on their hands and knees and till the earth". May he someday learn that there si no mockery.. no shame in being reffered to as a son of the earth .. a farmer..


Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Fri, 24-Aug-2007 - 16:33


Farmers do really hard work.. but the problem is they have been considered peasants for so long that even now when the Zamindari system is not in practice they are still treated as peasents.. that is the reason behind people falling behind to take agriculture as proffesion