Feeling Blessed To Be a Part of the Change

Submitted by aurora on

A Sankalp volunteer named Anil had this to say on the 7th Anniversary of the organisation in May 2010. For Anil this was his first year at Sankalp.

I always believe that everyone can differentiate between what is good and what is bad, but only he is the Man who walks on the right path. And the thing is that I am feeling after being here is I am a Man. And I am grateful to Sankalp for showing me an opportunity which made me to get into my responsibility, which helped me in being a performer who takes the charge rather than a criticizer (whom our country don’t lack) and tell myself as a Man with proud. Before this I had an impression that only the blessed special intelligent people can bring some difference and can do something wonders, being practical everybody can’t be Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda…, but now the point is clear to me that all that creates wonder and history is just me and everything is my will. And there is nothing like ideal condition and everything is practical for me believing in “Inquilab”.

While I work in the emergency wing of Sankalp I feel that even I am blessed like Bhagat and others when every time I get the opportunity to help someone looking for a helping hand regarding blood. It’s really a man’s life that working even for the narrowest of the things keeping broad picture in mind and completely believing in it. I don’t know whether the absence of mine would have made any difference or not, but I feel I am blessed every time the presence of mine makes a positive difference in my people. I felt again that even I am blessed when I had gone to Raichur for the flood relief work over there and I saw the innocent eyes becoming happy for the help not even knowing who were we and why we were doing that.

I feel that even I am blessed because I came to know the actual meaning of Freedom and the value paid for it. From my school days I was thinking what was that which made Bhagat and others to give-up their lives…, Was that just for the independence of the country from the white people which they could not even see after the death…? I didn’t think so…, Now I feel that his intension was me. He wanted me to come up and to work for my responsibility…, After being and working here in Sankalp, I feel I am blessed that I have told Bhagat that Your fight has never come to an end because I am here to continue it.