Grave Mistake by Doctors

This week, the emergency team received about 14 cases, out of which about 7 cases required AB –ve blood group, including apheresis donations for the same blood group.

But one case was that of a pregnant lady from a nursing home, where she was admitted at around 5pm in the evening. But due to lack of blood, the case got complicated and the baby did not survive. Later the lady was shifted to another hospital, where again the doctors could not handle the case and shifted her to a third hospital. She needed 3 units of O –ve blood, but the doctors in first nursing home told to find AB –ve blood. From there on, the other two hospitals did not check again and tried to locate AB –ve blood. When the lady was in the third hospital, the blood request was forwarded to Sankalp emergency team. After a lot of effort 3 donors were found, only to find during cross-matching that the lady needed O –ve, which was available. It was around 11.30pm then. The treatment started soon after the confirmation of blood group as O –ve. Right now, the lady has lost her child and she is brain-dead due to lack of blood.

The volunteers are carrying on with the donors search, and other potential areas of donors like colleges, offices and institutions in all the districts. This will help to solve the blood requests from all over Karnataka.

Other than that, the other activity of immediate concern is the consolidation of –ve Donor Database, following the requests of this week.

Rakta Kranti-colleges:
Following the Blood Awareness Week in Maharani Ammani College, the volunteers were supposed to enact a skit on Tuesday. But, the skit has been postponed to Saturday, because the College was not prepared.

The students of BMSCE and BIT colleges have been approached to conduct a Blood Awareness Week. The volunteers are waiting for their response.

A camp will be held in MSRIT on Friday/Saturday (11/04/08 or 12/04/08), depending on the availability of students. Expected donations are around 30 units.

On the Saturday next week (19/04/08), the camp will be held at Medical College.

CTC Disha:
The volunteers are approaching newspapers and radio stations regarding the Awareness campaign of blood helpline number (080) 1062. The response has been quite good, as the newspapers have agreed to put up article regarding the same and the radio will possibly air this number, but agreed to air blood requests. This week, Bangalore Mirror and Vijay Karnataka were approached for Newspapers and FM Rainbow for the radio station.

Along with that, the private hospitals visit continues.

Sankalp Unit