He is a father

Submitted by ankita on
He is a coolie from far of place called Midnapore in West Bengal. He is a father of 3 daughters…sorry he was a father of 3 daughters as only two daughters are alive now. The eldest one died at the age of 10. She was suffering from Thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder. He is scared that same disease will inflict his second daughter as she is very weak normally.

He travelled 2000km all the way to Bangalore to get his second daughter tested and cured. To secure the life of his precious daughter, he is ready to spend any amount of money. After first round of tests doctors confirmed she will lead a normal life as she could just be a carrier of Thalassemia trait. He kept on asking for some medicines for her. Medicines were not required for her and Doctor tried explaining this to him again and again.  A second set of tests need to be done to confirm whether his daughter's kids have chance of getting thalassemia or not in future. But this test is expensive and a blood sample needs to be sent to Mumbai. Doctor said in broken Bengali “Takka lagchi” (You will have to pay for this test). He just nodded his head with an indication of go ahead with the test.

I spend some time with him after doctors left. He told me a lot about his first daughter. Second daughter is just 8 years and he doesnt want the same story to be repeated with her once she turns 10. I tried explaining him that his daughter is perfectly fine, nothing will happen to her, he just needs to take care of her diet. Still he was requesting for medicines and treatment for her. I couldn’t understand much what he spoke because of the language and dialect but his few words touched me. He looked at his daughter with a sense of despair and said “bhay lagchi” (I am scared).