If you were the PM what will you try and change first

Submitted by rajat on Thu, 22-Mar-2007 - 10:48


It will be nice if people add a comment to this page to substantiate/ justify their vote.

Submitted by ramkrishna on Thu, 22-Mar-2007 - 17:50


A lawyer told me that legal and moral are different in Indian judicial system. I think the one which is morally correct has to be legally correct and the one which is morally wrong has to be legally wrong. This morality is very much missing in INDIA So I wanna change the judicial system.

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Fri, 23-Mar-2007 - 14:56


Ususlly it takes a very long time to settle a certain issue in court.. Common men usually suffer due to this.. so i think judjements should come out faster..

Submitted by Jayesh on Sat, 24-Mar-2007 - 13:59


I dont know about which among this are more important and which is less...But personally i like implementing things and make thing work in right way so i will go with Execution...

Submitted by rajat on Mon, 26-Mar-2007 - 10:13


I choose executive. Here is the reason:
  • Legislature: Keeps passing laws which essentially cause very little impact on the common man. The laws are there. But no impact. Eg. Anti dowry, child protection, POTA etc etc..
  • Executive: This is the segment that enacts the laws that are passed by the Legislature. it is it's duty to ensure proper implementation and also to prevent violation.
  • Judiciary: To penalize the offenders. It takes care of the penalizing aspect when the executive fails to prevent.
This observation makes choice fairly simple for me. Nip the problem at its root. Let all judges not have any cases to hear. It is Executive who must get reformed first!