While the world is busy with its own things, Sankalp volunteers are busy in their own way. This time, by designing two new websites (Blood de India and Team red) having specific roles. Blood de India, is a website, which aims to have all the donors all over the country access one site for anything related to blood donation. This may include accessing for the information relating to blood donation, having all the details of the quality blood banks and other related information in one place. Team red, is another site for all volunteers from all organizations and institutions, where the blood donation drive occurs, to have a common platform for discussions of the same and other related issues. Both the websites are still under development and will be available for access soon.
CTC Disha:
The private hospitals visit continued this week. And the Newspapers, Bangalore Mirror and Vijay Karnataka, and Radio station, FM Rainbow, were approached two weeks ago. The follow up continued this week, and will continue into coming week too. Vijay Karnataka has published an article on his number on Sunday (13/04/08). It can be found at Vijaya Karnataka - Call Sankalp for Blood
Rakta Kranti Colleges:
The skit was performed in Maharani Ammani College on Saturday (12/04/08). The response was not as good as expected as the arrangements made for the skit was inefficient, without proper mike systems. Also, a few classes were not available at that time, because of the on-going classes. But overall, the response for the Blood Awareness Week and the Skit was pretty good.
Last week, there was a case of a pregnant lady, blood group was wrongly identified, resulting in the death of her unborn baby and left her brain dead. The patient died on Saturday (12/04/08).
There were 22 cases from 1st April to 12the April. The BDO section on the site sankalpindia.net has been finalised, it will be uploaded soon. The information relating to the Karnataka wide blood searching options has been collected. Now, the information has to be authenticated and digitalized for further usage. And it will be marked on Google maps also.
The next priority of BDO volunteers is the consolidation of negative (-ve) donor database with complete details for further references.
MSRMBDS: First camp was held in Management College (RIMS) on Saturday (12/04/08). There were 45 registerations but 31 donations were made. There were 2 cases of faintings, one was because of lack of proper sleep the previous night and the other was because of donor fasting the previous day.
The next camp will be held in MSR Medical College on Saturday (19/04/08).
CTC Disha:
The private hospitals visit continued this week. And the Newspapers, Bangalore Mirror and Vijay Karnataka, and Radio station, FM Rainbow, were approached two weeks ago. The follow up continued this week, and will continue into coming week too. Vijay Karnataka has published an article on his number on Sunday (13/04/08). It can be found at Vijaya Karnataka - Call Sankalp for Blood
Rakta Kranti Colleges:
The skit was performed in Maharani Ammani College on Saturday (12/04/08). The response was not as good as expected as the arrangements made for the skit was inefficient, without proper mike systems. Also, a few classes were not available at that time, because of the on-going classes. But overall, the response for the Blood Awareness Week and the Skit was pretty good.
Last week, there was a case of a pregnant lady, blood group was wrongly identified, resulting in the death of her unborn baby and left her brain dead. The patient died on Saturday (12/04/08).
There were 22 cases from 1st April to 12the April. The BDO section on the site sankalpindia.net has been finalised, it will be uploaded soon. The information relating to the Karnataka wide blood searching options has been collected. Now, the information has to be authenticated and digitalized for further usage. And it will be marked on Google maps also.
The next priority of BDO volunteers is the consolidation of negative (-ve) donor database with complete details for further references.
MSRMBDS: First camp was held in Management College (RIMS) on Saturday (12/04/08). There were 45 registerations but 31 donations were made. There were 2 cases of faintings, one was because of lack of proper sleep the previous night and the other was because of donor fasting the previous day.
The next camp will be held in MSR Medical College on Saturday (19/04/08).
Sankalp Unit
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