June 14 - World Blood Donor Day

Submitted by aurora on



 On 14 June, countries worldwide celebrate World Blood Donor Day with events to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

The theme of the 2012 World Blood Donor Day campaign,  “Every  blood  donor  is  a  hero” focuses  on  the  idea  that  every  one  of  us  can become a hero by giving blood. While recognizing the silent and unsung heroes who save lives every day  through their blood donations, the theme also strongly  encourages  more  people  all  over the world  to donate blood voluntarily and regularly

We  at  Sankalp India  Foundation  take this opportunity to thank the countless blood donors who come forward time and again to make a difference in so many lives. While India marches ahead  to become  a  global  superpower, silently  you work behind the scene to ensure that the real difference is felt by one and all

As  the  world  comes  together  to  celebrate  the blood  donor’s  day,  we  as  an  organisation  and blood banking  as  a  whole  is  reminded  of  the responsibility  of  ensuring  that  each  donor  who comes forward to save lives goes out of the blood bank happy and satisfied with the high quality of operations, exemplary safety and transparency of operations. At the same time, the blood donors - the real heroes - too  share the responsibility of motivating, encouraging and facilitating the process of converting more and more individuals into regular blood donors.

Let us take a small pledge today. Next time we go On to donate blood,  we will take at least one more person  who  would  otherwise  not  have  donated blood to the blood bank. Like all the good things, let  us  all  share  the  feeling  of  satisfaction, empowerment and high purpose that we feel with  more of our brethren.