Just the beginning

Submitted by rajat on
1461 Days 35064 Hours 2103840 Minutes 126230400 Seconds And we are just getting started..


Submitted by lalithgparmar on Thu, 24-May-2007 - 17:21


You have hit the nail on the head RAJAT. Though in Sankalp we have changed the scenario of Blood donation Activity in City to some extent we have a long way to go before we could say that everything is done. Everyday is a new day and thats how we will proceed. Lets the past achievments motivate us in doing things for the future.

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Thu, 24-May-2007 - 18:37


Just getting started is a good thing because when we have just started something we will be curious to know how our work will proceed and also there will be the thrill and anxiousness to complete the task.. it is better to get started than just to keep thinking:-)