Know India

Know India is an attempt to bring to you some amazing facts about our country. Every second day we post something that tells you more about our land. Starting from issues to history, from culture to literature and fine arts, this is a magic box of small write-ups that you will fall in love with soon.

India's Republic Day

Submitted by aurora on Day, celebrated on January 26th every year, is one of India’s most important national events.ruly Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state.On this day -India finally enjoyed the freedom of spirit, rule of law and fundamental principle of governance.

The Valley Of Flowers

Submitted by aurora on of Flowers National Park is an Indian national park, Nestled high in West Himalaya, is renowned for its meadows of endemic alpine flowers and outstanding natural beauty. This is a beautiful valley, full of flowers in the Garhwal region in the Chamoli district at Mudar in the northern part of the Himalayan mountains range in India. This valley of flowers is famous for its natural beauty. Tourists visit this beautiful valley of flowers from all over the world to enjoy This richly diverse area is also home to rare and endangered animals, including the Asiatic black bear, snow leopard, brown bear and blue sheep. The gentle landscape of the Valley of Flowers National Park complements the rugged mountain wilderness of Nanda Devi National Park.

Gulmarg: The highest golf course in trhe world, here in Kashmir

Submitted by aurora on

File:Gulmarg.JPGGulmarg's legendary beauty, prime location and proximity to Srinagar naturally make it one of the premier hill resorts in the country. Originally called ‘Gaurimarg’ by shepherds, its present name was given in the 16th century by Sultan Yusuf Shah, who was inspired by the sight of its grassy slopes emblazoned with wild flowers. Gulmarg was a favourite haunt of Emperor Jehangir who once collected 21 different varieties of flowers from here. Today Gulmarg is not merely a mountain resort of exceptional beauty- it also has the highest green golf course in the world, at an altitude of 2,650 m, and is the country's premier ski resort in the winter.

Taj Mahal: A wonder!

Submitted by aurora on

Taj Mahal, the pinnacle of Mughal architecture, was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (1628-1658), grandson of Akbar the great, in the memory of his queen Arjumand Bano Begum, entitled ‘Mumtaz Mahal’.The mausoleum is located on the right bank of the river Yamuna at a point where it takes a sharp turn and flows eastwards. Originally, the land where the Taj Mahal presently stands belonged to the Kachhwahas of Ajmer (Rajasthan). The land was acquired from them in lieu of four havelis as is testified by a court historian, Abdul Hamid Lahauri, in his work titled the Badshah-Namah and the firmans (royal decrees). For construction, a network of wells was laid along the river line to support the huge mausoleum buildings.