Know India

Know India is an attempt to bring to you some amazing facts about our country. Every second day we post something that tells you more about our land. Starting from issues to history, from culture to literature and fine arts, this is a magic box of small write-ups that you will fall in love with soon.

Which period is known as the Golden Era of Indian Hockey?

Submitted by aurora on

Indian-Olympic-Hockey Team of 1928 The Golden Era in Indian Hockey lasted for 28 years between 1928 to 1956. Between 1928-1956 India at the Olympics, won the gold medal consecutively, 6 times. India played 24 Olympic matches, won all 24, scored 178 goals (at an average of 7.43 goals per match) and conceded only 7 goals. India has also won gold medals at the 1964 and the 1980 Olympics, taking the total gold tally to 8. The first sporting achievement of independent India was the 1948 Olympic hockey gold medal. Over 25,000 spectators watched the 1948 Olympic hockey final between India and Britain, played at Wembley. This was the first time that India and Britain played an official hockey match, and India went on to beat Britain 4-0. That was the first time that India's national flag was displayed and India's national anthem, Jana Gana Mana, was played at an Olympic venue.

When did the Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy happen?

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The Jallianwalla Bagh in 1919, months after the massacre. 13 April, 1919

A public meeting had been organized in Jallianwala Bagh to protest against the order passed by General Dyer banning such public gatherings. The day being a Sunday, many people from neighbouring places had come to the place in connection with the Baisakhi festival.The Jallianwala Bagh, or garden, was bounded on all sides by houses and buildings and had few narrow entrances, most of which were kept permanently locked. Since there was only one open exit except for the one already blocked by the troops, people desperately tried to climb the walls of the park. Many jumped into a well inside the compound to escape from the bullets. A plaque in the monument says that 120 bodies were plucked out of the well. General Dyer reached there with his troops and ordered the closure of the only exit to this place. He also ordered his troops to open fire with no prior intimation to the large gathering of people. In a span of about 10 minutes some 1600 or more rounds were fired.

When was the Indian Military Academy (IMA) formed?

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The Academy became functional from 01 October 1932 with a course strength of 40 Gentlemen Cadets. Brigadier L P Collins, DSO, OBE was the first Commandant. The first course had on its rolls Sam Manekshaw, Smith Dun and Mohd Musa. All of them later became the Chiefs of the armies of their respective countries namely India, Burma and Pakistan. The course was christened as 'PIONEERS'. The government acquired the estate of the erstwhile Railway College at Dehradun, which had the appropriate buildings and a fairly extensive campus to meet the requirements of the Academy at its birth.

Which is the first satellite to be developed and launched by India?

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Aryabhatta was the first Indian satellite, launched into a near earth orbit on April 19, 1975,by an Intercosmos rocket of erstwhile USSR. Carried three payloads, one each for X-ray astronomy,solar physics and aeronomy. Aryabhata was built by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to conduct experiments related to astronomy. The satellite reentered the Earth's atmosphere on 11 February 1992.The 360-Kg satellite was fabricated wholly by Indian scientists at Peenya, Bengaluru, in 26 months at a cost of Rs. 50 Million.
The satellite was designated Aryabhatta after the fifth century astronomer and mathematician Aryabhatta of Kusumapura near Patliputra, now Patna, who laid the foundation of modern algebra, determined the parameters of the movements of various celestial bodies, calculated the diameters of the Earth and the Moon, and the importance of their movements around the sun.

Where are the national flags produced?

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Currently, Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha based in Hubli is the only licensed flag production and supply unit in India. Permission for setting up flag manufacturing units in India is allotted by the Khadi Development and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), though the BIS has the power to cancel the licences of units that flout guidelines The flag is manufactured by the khadi unit of KKGSS.The Khadi and Village Industries Commission has certified KKGSS as the sole manufacturer and supplier of the Indian flag to the entire country. There are 100 specialist spinners and 100 weavers employed in making the flag.