Camp in Wheels

A dream came true for the volunteers of Sankalp as we organized blood donation drive in a Blood Mobile on 9th-10th Jan 2013.

Blood mobile is a specialized vehicle equipped with everything necessary for a blood donation drive. As this was a first drive in blood mobile, the volunteers were as excited as donors. The chosen venue for the drive was ITPL where there are more than 30,000 people working. Ascendas the management of the Tech Park was very supporting of the cause of voluntary blood donation. However, the usual space where the drive is conducted at ITPL is undergoing major repairs. With a willing organisation, keen donors and immense need the problem was that of space. And the solution - the Blood mobile!. 

The vehicle arrived on time and was parked between two buildings. Blood mobile is a big Volvo bus with 4 reclining chairs for bleeding. It has 4 chairs in the front for testing and 4 chairs at back for post donation. It is equipped with a refrigerator, a wash basin, 2 TVs and is fully air-conditioned. Donating blood in this bus is a unique experience. Also there is no discomfort to donors. There was so much excitement and enthusiasm about donating blood in blood mobile that the primary challenge for volunteers was crowd management. To manage donors effectively we made batches of donors and allotted them time slots. 

The drive went on from 11 AM to 5 PM on two days. With 98 units collected on day 1 and 112 on day 2, the event proved to be a great success. This event also showed us that organizing a blood drive in blood mobile is easy, hassle free and fun! We look forward to keep the blood mobile rolling and organize more camps on wheels.

To organise a camp in the blood mobile please click here.

Sankalp Unit