Fifteen-year-old Pavan Kumar Singh is a known thalassemic child. When he was diagnosed at the age of 3 months, his family did not have an idea what thalassemia was. He was taken to every possible hospital in Bangalore to find out if there was a cure for his condition. Every doctor they met told them that it was a chronic condition and he had to be on treatment and blood transfusion for his well being and survival. His family lost hope and they decided to end their lives along with the kid. But looking at their 3 month old kid, they decided to continue with their life, and face every obstacle that comes their way to keep him healthy and hale. Pavan‘s father Dhanpal Singh recalls those days as a bad dream. Today he proud and says, “My son is as normal as any other kid and exceptionally blessed because he is unique.” Pavan told us that he never attended any kind of tuitions for his 10th board exams nor could he sit for long hours of study. Even today he follows a simple routine. He gets up at 6 in the morning, takes his tablets, and starts the day with pranayama (breathing exercise) which he has been practicing for ten years. After attending his school, he practices pranayama for another half an hour, takes his medicines, and study for two more hours. Pavan says that he is good cricketer too, and that determination and focus can guide you to reach your goal. His aim is to pursue civil services and set an example for everyone who thinks thalassemics are any less. Pavan says that thalassemics are no less and are capable of achieving whatever they aim for. When Pavan’s 10th board results were announced he received a whooping 97.76% marks. His whole family was rejoicing with excitement. But Pavan asked his father that he was expecting more marks and applied for revaluation. His revised score was 98.08% in SSLC exams. The next day, a Times of India reporter was in their house interviewing Pavan. His parents’ joy was skyhigh and boundless. He got into Chaitanya Pre-University College, one of the most prestigious colleges of the city with a scholarship. His father narrated this story to us with tears rolling down his cheeks. He told us that they were tears of joy and he was proud to have a son like Pavan. - Dr. Reshma Srinivas