For Student having Placement ahead...

I thought to share my collage to cooperate switching experience with you all. You may find it bit long but you can appreciate it only if you read it till end. After enjoying my few last's semester(after placement) and finally completing all the formalities of university(ie. 8th sem project and exams etc...)i was ready to enter the cooperate life. After collage i got good holidays of 3 month which i enjoyed it most. Now after all this fun and masti finally the day comes (4th Sep) when i entered my cooperate life. It was a day i was waiting silently prepared fully mentally to start my professional life..Slowly days start passing as in starting days we only had to listen to PPT aboutT soft skills ,workplace ettiqutte, Phone Ettiqutte etc ...Slowly 15 days were over and our technical training started. I thought this is the time i was waiting to win the world. Again in technical training we had nearly same schedule to listen to lecturer and do some handson(lab exercise) which was like a child play. We use to get some asignment and deadline but that no one use to ask for so not much tension there too. i try to finish all work as far as possible. But you can relaxed as most(80%) people had not submitted. Slowly pressure start building, We were asked to submit all assignment at last. We had some special design exercise which make sure that all people go through tremondous pressure. I work hard and strech me as far as i can to give my best. Finally the training comes to end and i left with mixed feeling as i had completed training with decent score but deep inside i was not happy person as i had expected more from it. Today when i lookback i can say that it has teach me one of the most important lesson which i always heard, read but never understood and that was: ITS ONLY ATTITUDE THAT MATTER. By now you must be wondering what attitude has to do with all this. Let me explain you: In life we face many challenges (small/big). challenge need not to be like as its shown in films where your life is involved in it. Challenges can be as simple as paticipating in collage competition or completing engineering or dealing with unusual situation in life. We always had many option to face this situation like Simply doing things or trying to do well or doing well or strecting your self as far as possible or doing it in right way by giving what ever it required(hardward,courage,sepration). ATTITUDE of person is all about choosing one among this path, which slowly become its habit. I had written in last paragraph that i work hard as far as possible i can becasue that my attitude. So It become my habit and it remain same even when i join cooperate life. I does not change overnight. I am sharing this experience with all of you because i feel it important after i come to know that Juniors (who are having placement this semester)are choosing easy path (Quick Fix approach like Personality Development course). By this they will landup in one of few start companies as its a matter of pride to get selected as soon as possible. But this approach will become habit without there knowing and they will regret it in there latter life. So before choosing any path think once again. You may feel lot of difficulty right now but you will admire after it for rest of your life. The people in who are in cooperate life can also share there view. Moral of story: ITS ONLY ATTITUDE THAT MATTER AT LAST.