Yesterday was the disaster day for some any celebration for others. Yes yesterday was the day when first year’s results came out. First time experience of getting results in engineering. I remember all the expressions, behaviors which first year volunteers showed last week. I never thought such smart sincere energetic and fun loving guys would be so much worried about their results. To my wonder after the results were out I came to know that few were anticipating backs also this time. But I was really happy with their overall results with little improvement recommended for few.
I got reminded of my first semester’s result. It was Saturday, the day when I had to attend my first Sankalp’s meeting. I completely forgot about it because of results. I was standing outside new electrical block talking to my friends when one of my classmate came and told me about Sankalp meeting and I was like… how can do this? how can I forget about it? I caught hold one of my hostel friend who also wished to join Sankalp and ran towards the meeting place. Few volunteers were already present there in OAT , few came just after I reached there. After introduction we started taking (I mean seniors started talking) and I completely forgot about my results as some thing more worthwhile was being discussed, until we were asked about it individually. It was the day that changed my life, changed the way I think and change the world around me. I just can’t forget my first Engineering result and my first sankalp meeting.
Today after spending 3 Sankalp years I can say I always get motivation from sankalp to study more and more and it never matters if I score more or less. The day I get case is the day when I study with more concentration and luckily I get case just a day before my every alternate externals paper. I think this is the main reason why my scores are so consistent through all these 7 semester and I never ever worry about my results.
thanks to sankalp
yes.. ma'am.. you really do understand how the time before results make us feel.. its really really horrible with a capital 'HO'.. one justs wants such a time to be over no matter the result.. and i was one of them.. well thanks to sankalp i got good %.. lets say average.. 'cause i wasn't prepared at all.. ok.. so to all the students best of luck for your future results.. hope sankalp brings a good life to you.
same emotions hre tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even i was on tenterhooks for abt five days b4 the day of result... i guess u and others in meetin on 15th april got me rite when they saw who never lets off a chance of speakin suddenly quite..... but for all tat.. it really cam off good....though a bit below expetations i m quite happy in acceptin it with glee.. and i hope like this year sankalp will motivate me my best in everthin i do ....
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