Reason to start the website.
Welcome one and all. I will be taking you to a journey into the world of
Lets start with the reason to start the website. 4 year back when we started we were a handful of volunteers with very limited task. But as the organization grew from MSRIT to Bangalore and thereafter as a nation wide organization, Sankalp felt a need of a platform for all the people to know its ideas and philosophy. The site was to provide a medium to keep the geographically apart volunteers, well-wisher and others to stay connected with Sankalp. This website was to provide to all to know, participate and contribute in sankalp in their own ways.
I am happy to bring to your notice, that this indeed has been achieved. 15 user from Hydrabad, 10 from Delhi, and more than 50 user form other part of country are the active member chain of I should point out here that not just outside Bangalore but within the city this website is helping people to exchange their ideas.
This site is not a static collection of pages, running on a content management system name Drupal from the open source community, our website is end to end packed with dynamic pages. Mysql provide storage and front end is coded in PHP. In a simple man term this technology allows a amateur to create and edit pages like a professional.
Lets us see some of the number associated with
- Authenticated user - Nearly 300
- Pages - More than 1500
- Hits -- more than 5 lakh(total)
- Also,on average more than 100 people access our site from around the world.
Does that sound interesting...Lets see what make this number be as big as they seems to be.
Those who all have gone through our site must be knowing about the most common feature on a site like blog, comments, forum, polling, events etc.But for those who have not explorer the site till now. Let me give a brief introduction about the features.
Features:Blog: Most hit and most demanding feature of the site. Any user who want to share his thought, feeling, experience, or knowledge can use the blog space as a medium to communicate.
Forum: No I am not talking about the Forum in Kormangala but a forum is a place in our site where we discuss our doubt or queries. By English language Forum is common platform for all people to different category to express his view point.
Image Galleries: Another one of the most demanding feature of the site. As its said an Image speaks a thousand words. People want to see more and more image than reading on the site. While working we try to capture the different moment so as to share them with you all. We have a organized with proper hierarchy of image gallery. We have more than 500 images in our gallery.
Comments: most common thing one can find on the site. Comments, on comments can be formed on some of the blog post. Even some blog post have more comments than post on most of the forum. And this is all because its most easiest way to express ones feeling regarding once issue. More than 1000 comments can be found on our site.
Polling: Yes its same as Kaun Banega Crorepati. Where you have one question and four option and you have to choose one. But here there is not correct answer and majority wins. Till date we have nearly 25 polling and who will tell what's current polling is all about.
Events: a small section in right bottom column in our site which give pointer about up coming events of the Sankalp. This section keep people other than volunteers update about the work going on.
New Features:Hero of the month:How many of you know about Sardar Uddam Singh, Vikram Sarabhai, Dhyan Chand. No I am not talking about knowing them by names but by their life. Very few yes its true with all of us. There are numerous hero in the Indian history but either we have not read about them or have forgotten about them. This section remind you all such hero. This section will give you the person you can look in the darkest of your time.
Sankalp samachar: Yes it is news section of Sankalp which keep people update about the activity going on inside Sankalp. You need not to glance whole site to glance whole site to get update about the sankalp activity just look and read the sankalp samachar next time.
Though for the moment:Just give this thought a moment and you will find energy around you. Yes this section is the which will fill you with energy and motivate you within seconds.
Performance Count: This section give you Sankalp in numbers.
- Number of volunteers.
- Number of donor.
- Number of cases.
- Number of cases.
- Number of donation.
- Sankalp Giri.
- FAQ about Sankalp.
- Know India.
- Feedback from people.
- Know volunteers.
- Project of the month.
- Videos of the Sankalp.
So, summing up the reason why you should visit
- It provide in depth information about all the activity Sankalp is and has been doing.
- It provide a platform to share, discuss, help and take help about your ideas and dream with a group of fairly motivated positive thinker.
- It bring out the roots and reality that some where down the line are forgotten.
- It's fun..Atleast the 100 odd user you exchang etheir ideas on a frequent basis will justify it.
Welcome to the world of Sankalp...
Welcome to
Thank you.