It was the final of the Punjab Indian Infantry tournament in Jhelum. His side was losing the match by two goals, and with only four minutes to go, his Commanding Officer called out to him, "Come on Dhyan! We are two goals down, do something about it." Dhyan Chand then proceeded to do something about it, and scored three goals in four minutes and led his side to victory.
Dhyan Chand was born to a Rajput family in Allahbad on August 29, 1905 in Uttar Pradesh. His father was an army subedar and so his elder brother. Soon afterwards he moved to Jhansi where he spent his formative years. After an early education he joined the Indian Army at the age of 16, in 1922. He was a Sepoy of the 14 Punjab Regiment. Subedar-Major Bhole Tiwari of Brahmin regiment noticed his excellent dribbling skills and knack for scoring goals.In a match in 1927 he exhibited his skills against the English hockey team, netting 36 of India's 72 goals in 10 matches, at the London Folkstone Festival.