The benefits of giving blood
Giving blood is a great thing to do. By making a blood donation, you are not only helping save the lives of people you will never meet; you're also doing yourself a good turn.
A regular check-up
Each time you make a donation, we check your blood pressure and haemoglobin (an indication of your iron level).
The benefits of giving blood
Giving blood is a great thing to do. By making a blood donation, you are not only helping save the lives of people you will never meet; you're also doing yourself a good turn.
A regular check-up
Each time you make a donation, we check your blood pressure and haemoglobin (an indication of your iron level). This is an easy way to keep track of your health as any changes to your blood pressure or haemoglobin are picked up during our screening process. Our staff can advise you about changes you can make to your diet or refer you on to a medical practitioner to have any changes checked out in greater detail.
Looking after your heart
Some studies have shown that regular blood donation can help prevent the build-up of iron in the body over time, reducing the strain this places on major organs including the heart. The benefits are thought to be most pronounced in middle-aged men and amongst people prone to haemachromotosis. We also think that regular acts of kindness, like giving blood, are good for anyone's heart.
A donation you can afford
Many of us like to feel part of the community and contribute to charities whenever we can. It's not always possible to give money, even when the need is great. One way you can really make a difference to your community without going to great expense is to give blood!